Comparable to nature, our idea of what a museum is has changed over time and keeps changing to this day. Many topics that can be found in Museology appear similarly in discussions on nature. Seeing nature as a museum could therefore be a way to mirror our ideas, changing our perception of nature and showing it in a new light. Our goal is to increase the chance of finding suitable solutions by expanding the discussion about nature through this alternative way of thinking. We believe that this can impact the thinking of experts as much as the general public, which increases our chances of surviving the current crisis.

In this project we use the museum as an analogy for nature, showing where thought patterns from the museum can help protect and transform nature. To further explain our concept, we use a complex collection of comparisons between the museum and nature, in the form of collages. These comparisons are ordered around the functions of a traditional museum. The first two, ‘Anthropocene’ and ‘Environs and Museum’, form an introduction to the situation and the spatial order of the proposal. Each of the four other collages is centered around one of the core functions of the traditional museum: ‘Research’, ‘Preservation’, ‘Presentation’ and ‘Collection’. The latter invests further in the functional composition of the different areas that have been described before.

By communicating our idea through collages, we can visualize the ideological fragmentation of the project. At the same time, the collage makes it possible to include a big number of existing thoughts, that went into the creation of the works we reused. The associations and aesthetics that come hand in hand with these images are another important carrier of information.