I recall a time when I couldn't believe what I was witnessing. My mind couldn't find references to the sensation that had arisen in my body. Meanings, morals, and histories could be found in small corners and in overarching linkages because the area was so complex, the details were plentiful and meticulously planned. It was pointless for me to understand. A dance between light and colour, as well as substance and composition. I was utterly baffled. In that moment, I had to let go of my understanding and curiosity to sense what was going on around me. How could this have been created by a human? I’ve never felt so small in respect to the beautiful.

To be humbled. A remarkable yet mysterious feeling. Comparable to this astonished, almost terrified sense you experience when you go inside a large cathedral. "The Sublime" was introduced to me in a recent philosophy class. Suddenly, the experience when I entered the Sainte-Chapelle (FR) had gotten a name. Regarding the accuracy of Philosophy, the term is difficult to grasp in a defined definition, so I believe it is best not to bother trying. Instead, the Sublime experience could be understood through emotions and feelings. An increase in heart rate, ambient sounds disappearing, and gaze turning in those big eye love-crumbs, yet also a strong feeling of nausea and bodily heaviness arises. It is something that we all shall face or have already faced. When overpowered by the Sublime, you have no option but to let go. The experience is too vast to comprehend, too complex to define; it is just something to embrace. An embodiment of both tremendous beauty and fear.

Before I realised what the artists and construction workers had done (and how much understanding I still lack to come up with something even close), I experienced this panicking, almost terrified feeling of disbelief and disorientation. I believe in general our minds are used when perceiving an issue anywhere, to quickly try to manoeuvre a way between inventive solutions and possibilities. But this time I couldn’t, and all that was left was my body and soul in awe by its beauty and mastery around me. The sweet moment of disbelief between falling and flying.

The drawing is a visualisation of the Sublime in an architectural context. It contains ambivalences of both beauty and terror. The Sainte-Chapelle (Paris) is used as setting.