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June 2022




"OOPSIE DAISY!", exclaimed in total shock. Shame and self-deprecation are the feelings we experience when we make a small mistake. But when we zoom out a bit, away from the personal square we are in, what are the mistakes that have brought along blissful celebrations, inventions, happy accidents? And what are the mistakes that have brought nothing but pain, grievance, and hatred?

Editorial team

Jonas Althuis, Oliwia Jackowska, Tuyen Le, Saartje Nibbering, Zuzanna Sliwinska, Emilie Stecher

With contributions from

Julia Korpacka, Kevin Lai, Jonathan Kaye

Cover design by

Editorial Team


How many mistakes did you find in our cover?

Admitting to mistakes is something that as a student we are not trained to do so. Admitting that I f*cked up and taking accountability for the wrongdoings is repulsive to some individuals. We are humans, we are bound to make mistakes, and the outcomes of these mishaps are something we are not to gamble on. Transitioning from making a mistake to accepting the outcome is the only thing that we could do once all the cards are on the tables.. If this is echoing to what you have been through, then I would like to offer these anecdotes on the various aspects of the word MISTAKES. 

To start things off is a reflection (pg. 4) on the Women in Architecture exhibition by Julia Korpacka, the person who hacked the display with her own interpretation of what the exhibition could have been. Then we go into an anonymous collection (pg.8) of the mistakes humans of the BK found themselves in, whether it is by choice or not, the words and drawings should open up a conversation on the true nature of making mistakes, including frustration, grievance, relief. We then transition into the stages of environmental grief (pg.10) to read and react as a case of environmental neglect, and the choices we make or not make can make an immense impact on the future. Then what about the choice we make when we seek retail therapy via new plants every time we need a mood booster? That is when we know we are part of the movement, plant ladies are the new cat ladies (pg.16).

The next article ponders on the matter of potholes (pg.18), you know, the cracks and dips on our street, with images captured from the suburban streets in the U.S. Then, we seek for some “wisdom” from a list of manifestos in the art world (pg. 22), accompanying by an article about art forgery (pg. 24). Finally, the red pages include a personal letter for the students at BK (pg. 27), written by a fellow student who wants to question if coming to the BK was a mistake, and  without any scrutiny towards the reader, they would like you to share your thoughts with them as well. Our artefact concludes with the chosen mistakes in the built environment (pg. 30), the conscious choices we as users make to modify our living spaces can be seen as a comforting note towards the permanence of the subtle building details.

We hope that with this issue, we can wrap up the 55th year of Bnieuws with some introspection and becoming more vulnerable to changes in the climate around us. It is time to face our own truth and embrace what makes us human.


Missed Takes on Gender in Architecture

Pen Pal

4 - 7


I recently took the liberty to temporarily modify a part of an exhibition organised at our faculty. This is a reflection on why I did it and what I learned from this about uninvited practice.


BK Report

8 - 9


When we strive for perfection, we actually exclude to some extent an idea of realness. We know for damn sure we ourselves as humans aren't perfect, but how come we still keep a taboo on making a mistake? We almost develop a certain amount of distrust when an object is seen as flawless as well as a certain amount of disconnection from reality when we try to reach it.

Grief or Change

From the editors

10 - 13


We all know about it. It’s in the news every day. We know we should change our behavior and we know we don’t have any time to lose. Yet we still don’t manage to give up on the simplest things. We don’t want to lose our privileges and for sure not relinquish our way of life. We all know that we live in abundance, that overconsumption is not good for our planet with limited resources. Our habits are draining the Earth of its energy. So the question remains how can we change? How can we let go? And will this help us to finally enter a phase where we are not exploitative to our home anymore?


From the editors

14 - 15


With the academic year coming to an end, the editorial team is inviting you to reflect on these past months to recognise and appreciate things that we might overlook on a day-to-day basis, as we are all waiting impatiently for the summer break! 

Green is the New Fluffy

From the editors

16 - 17


We all know it - plants are our babies, pets and best friends. You take care of them and they take care of you when you are feeling lonely or having a bad day. Here are a few mistakes to avoid to keep your green friends alive!


Pen Pal

18 - 21


I have been walking amongst the neighborhoods and downtowns of American suburban communities and am noticing the frequency of cracks, potholes, and aging-in-place of infrastructure. These are things we (the user) view as mistakes or imperfections, but the manufacturer and maintenance crew expects. They are known obsolescences which come with time, yet we are surprised anew when we trip on a crack or drive over a hole. I am curious if these have a purpose beyond the physical phenomena which shaped them. 


From the editors

22 - 23


What do a variety of design manifestoes say about mistakes? Perhaps unsurprisingly, not that much. Few touch on the importance and learning to be gained from making mistakes. Perhaps it's considered a given, inherent to design and learning how to design. If nothing about mistakes, what do these manifestoes say?

Titanium White

From the editors

24 - 26


In some ways, emulating the piece by long-gone art idols like Rembrandt can be perceived as the greatest form of flattery. Fascinated by the mythical capabilities of the artist’s hand, art forgers depart on a journey of artist’s reincarnation and channelling supernatural ability to translate imaginary onto the canvas through their own hands. However, this incredible skill is considered fraudulent craftsmanship and a punishable career path by law. What mistakes do art forgers make on their way to the masterpiece (aka a fake) which expose their activities to the eyes of authorities? At the same time, why are we so obsessed with originals condemning the masters of copy-making and what does it reveal about our relationship with art?

Letter to Us Students at BK

Pen Pal

27 - 29


Dear us,

I'm writing from my balcony in Delft. Sun is warm (FINALLY!) after an entire week of Dutch rain. It's pigeon season now, and worse, mosquitos. We try to keep the floor clean already from the crumbs and cigarette-butts, but they still come visit. Tricky time!

Artefact: You Had One Job

30 - 31


Hypothetically, if one of your design's would to be build, what would be the Thank-God-my-teacher-saved-me-from-making-this-mistake mistake? We all have made some bad choices in design and deeply regretted afterwards and blamed them on our lack of sleep or focus while putting it on paper/screen. Lucky for us, most of us are still students, so we're allowed to make mistakes with the twisted aim of actually tripping over them and in the end: improve. However, not everyone is getting these second chances, and before they know it their mistake has become a real life attribute in a rouring city, where it is admired by the everyday reproving eye of the analyst in the crowd, judging: ''you had one job''.

Editors of Bnieuws

From the editors



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