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The Game, by Ricardo Avella.
. Words. Ricardo Avella.
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What if Vitruvius played Minecraft? First notes on gaming architecture as experimental design, by Bruno de Andrade.
Minecraft is a block-building
. In such
, the complexity of architecture and the built environment is reduced to a 1m³ block logic. Remember when all of your problems seemed easy to solve with Lego bricks? Think about a digital Lego.
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Pritzker Prize for Escher: revisited, by Szymon Smyk.
Factor 2: … and play some
. It could be argued that there is already a strong demand for virtual spaces where we could lead our virtual lives.
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I would rather…, by Iman Ramshini.
The improvements are not merely concerning the resolution at which the
plays; detailed features are continuously introduced to push the gaming experience closer and closer to reality.
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Interview: Dick van Gameren, by Aimee Baars, Jan Pruszyński and Chun Kit "CK" Wong.
Interview: Dick van
. Aimee Baars, Jan Pruszyński and Chun Kit "CK" Wong. After many years of leading the chair of Dwelling, Dick van
has been appointed Dean of Bouwkunde Faculty in April 2019.
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Where am I?, by Inez Margaux Van Oeveren.
. #hidden. #find. Through this graphic drawing, I reimagine Delft by integrating iconic buildings from all over the world. I hope to spark curiosity and reflection on how the built environment shapes our collective identity.
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Xiao talks tech, by Federico Ruiz.
Short matches and the gratification of getting points when winning are good reasons, he says, but also the fact that you can get to know all the rules of the
in a short period of time.
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Guess the Building, by Stefan Gzyl.
What follows is a
. Each text describes the plan of a well-known structure you have seen in print or maybe even visited, designed by architects whose names you know and whose works you have studied.
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Get lost, by Nathan Kramer.
The first
I played was cycling from Delft to a village a bit outside Delft. For a higher chance of getting lost, consider a residential, not touristic location. In the case of Delft, this could be Maasland, Bergschenhoek, Monster, etc. 2.
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Goal Meets World, by Tuyen Le.
Once asked, the questions become a competitive
of goal-making, manifesting, and unrealistic endeavours.
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Bnieuws edition 52/03. Published February 2019.
You see them when cataloguing, or identifying objects in a museum; you see them spray painted on the side of walls, denoting an author; children play a
of ‘tag’ on the street, so it begs the question: what do these things all have in common?
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Bnieuws edition 53/03. Published November 2019.
In our previous issue's interview with the dean, Dick van
, we briefly touched upon the subject of cooperation between students and different master tracks.
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Drifting away from Spectacle, by Sem Verwey.
Never fully developed since this
is a
of guessing. My ideas about them would change every now and then, and nothing could be said with certainty.
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The Berlage questionnaire: Emanuel Christ of Christ & Gantenbein, by Ana Herreros and Jin Chang.
Based on the late-nineteenth-century parlor
, made fabulous by answers from Marcel Proust, The Berlage Questionnaire is a series of questions posed to guests after their public online lecture about their lives, thoughts, values, and experiences to
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The Berlage Questionnaire: Francesca Torzo, by Maria Christopoulou and Georgia Katsi.
Based on the late-nineteenth-century parlour
, made fabulous by answers from Marcel Proust, The Berlage Questionnaire is a series of questions posed to guests after their public online lecture about their lives, thoughts, values, and experiences to
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Thank you for smoking, by Christopher Clarkson.
The next move in this one-sided
of chess was to relocate the smoking pit at the East entrance, from under the sheltered entrance to out in the open between Bouwpub and the faculty building. Thank you for smoking / Christopher Clarkson.
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Abandoned, by Jack Oliver Petch.
From tweaking prices of admission from $11.20 to $11.50 as an experiment to see how much that would impact the massive amounts of debt I’d put my fictional company under, the
grabbed me and wouldn’t let go.
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Bnieuws edition 57/02. Published January 2024.
. (page 30). , an essay about humanity in the digital age. Winter is here. Cuddle up. Get comfortable with. Bnieuws. Contents. Return to top ↑. Links. Interested in becoming a. Pen Pal? Bnieuws. Instagram →. Facebook →. Issuu →.
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Podcast, Archi-Podcast, by Jan Pruszynski.
Considering that we don’t learn anything about the business of architecture or how to start our own company you really should be listening to some of them to stay on top of your
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Unpaid Internships, by Elena Rossoni.
of Thrones' second to last episode).
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Guess!, by Jonas Althuis.
. #journey. #sketch. Return to top ↑. More. from. Where? Links. Interested in becoming a. Pen Pal? Bnieuws. Instagram →. Facebook →. Issuu →. Julianalaan 134. 2628 BL Delft. Navigation. About Bnieuws →. Contact us →. Visit our Archive →.
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A public digital space at home, by Inez Margaux Van Oeveren.
Many homes make room for devices such as TVs, laptops, monitors,
consoles, etc. These new technologies are all connected to the internet and home network.
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Ark[s], by Aikaterina Myserli.
While it is no panacea in crises of this scale, for the refugee communities in Europe it could be a
changer. *This article was first published in 2017. All figures and data correspond to that moment in time. Sources.
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Missed Takes on Gender in Architecture, by Julia Korpacka.
Markus Miessen points out that in the current economy, as architects, we are forced to comply with the rules of the
and invites the concept of an uninvited outsider, or a crossbench practitioner, as a response, aiming to generate productive friction
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Louder than Words, by Vineet Dhall.
This is when the mini addition
of lower digits comes up. So, in the case numeric 7 has to be conveyed, you can play around with fast gestures of 4 & 3, and the seller can decode through the Morse code of gaps.
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