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Everyday, Listening, by Maja Liro.
As you scramble out of bed into the crowded streets of Bouwkunde, the cacophony of
draws you into the building's atmosphere.
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Feel What You See , by Emilie Stecher.
What happens if there is no
or smell and you cannot touch it? The installation of vision attempts to create a feeling of space without depending on other senses.
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What's Going On? Venice, by Oliver Petch and Elena Rossoni.
where two of them are solely dedicated to the Giardini and Arsenale (using the two-day pass where one is allowed to enter both exhibitions multiple times on consecutive days), and during the rest I just walk around and soak up the venetian atmosphere,
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Guess!, by Jonas Althuis.
You suddenly notice the
of a ticking clock somewhere in your auditory periphery. You look around you, but don't see any obvious sources of the
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A Shitty Architectural Autobiography, by Federico Ruiz.
These were peculiar moments in which the grotesque
and fumes of our bodies had to be neutralised through architectural solutions such as “natural ventilation” or “acoustic insulation”.
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Art Outside The Box, by Christopher Clarkson.
Minus20degree is a contemporary art and architecture exhibition and is now looking for artists in the field of
art, videoart, performance, theater, installation, or dynamic land art for the 2024 edition.
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A Decade of Bnieuws, by Aimee Baars.
However, if you close your eyes for a sec, instead of hearing your overheated laptop buzz or your phone beep, listen to the crinkly
and textured feel of freshly printed paper, waiting to be read.
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Perks of Dating an Architect, by Inez Margaux Van Oeveren.
For many, these personal characteristics
like a unique set of characteristics that the opposite sex tends to find very attractive. But what's the point of dating an architect?
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Land Between Tags, by Jack Oliver Petch.
His grace already came down to earth to catalogue from
-clips and cross-reference our geo-tags. Because his memory is perfect, he never forgets where we go, what we saw or what we thought.
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Bnieuws edition 56/04. Published April 2023.
What happens if there is no
or smell and you cannot touch it? We rely on our eyes to read clues about our surroundings, yet to understand and connect to the places we navigate; we collect the information using all the other senses too.
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Bootleg Paradise, by Tuyen Le.
As ridiculous as it
, the federal law was short lived due to its poor reinforcement and the rise of bootlegging operations. Eventually, the Prohibition ended in 1933, just 13 years after. Bootleg as Unofficial Recordings.
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Bnieuws edition 53/06. Published May 2020.
of neighbours ascending their stairs. This sentiment has deepened.
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M&A Study Trip to Bogota, by Elena Rossoni.
The experimentation took various forms, experimenting with
, materials, colours and social interactions.
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What Are You Watching Right Now? Oppenheimer, by Tuyen Le, Nathan Döding, Maja Liro.
And in-between, one can enjoy the trope of “mad” theory quantum physicists standing in front of a math-filled chalkboard, loudly discussing what to us
like nonsense, but to them, it had to do with racing to the ultimate, war-ending weaponry.
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A Lack of Exposure, by Alessandro Rognoni.
Writing on Lacaton&Vassal’s work in terms of photography will probably
irrelevant, considering the hugely significant agenda that they have brought forward in the past decades.
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LIVE, LAUGH, LABOR, by Tuyen Le.
Initially, this tactic might
effective and produce less waste, however, accounting for the cost of being ultra-fast, the person paying is not us (the consumers) but the workers making these items.
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The Dutch Factor, by Federico Ruiz.
It may
paranoid, but the results of not mixing can be disastrous.
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Hello, Goodbye and Toilets, Oh My!, by Jack Oliver Petch & Elena Rossoni.
Whilst factors like 'facilities' and '
protection' would remain constant no matter who or when the spaces are being visited, things like 'aesthetic qualities' and light would be completely subjective depending on who and when a visit was taking place
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What if Vitruvius played Minecraft? First notes on gaming architecture as experimental design, by Bruno de Andrade.
“Ropes are tightened up in the same way by means of hand-spikes and windlasses until they
the same. In this way, by keeping the device taut with wedges, the catapults are 'tuned' to the proper pitch by musical testing”. (Bk. 10, Ch. 12.2).
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Xiao talks tech, by Federico Ruiz.
It should not have a
. of its own. , a special temperature or a smell. “Unless you never wash your hands.”. Neither should it have noticeable traces from its fabrication process: in case it does, they will be mere manufacturing defects.
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Shifting Utopias, by Federico Ruiz.
Today, when you ask [for] the utopia of this time it is in fact, this may
negative, to ‘save the world’. I mean, this idea of ‘we can make the world’ has changed into ‘we can save the world’.”
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Diamond in the Rough, Forever Young, by Jonas Althuis.
Does that
at all familiar? Florida writes that this class includes a wide range of professionals, from engineers, to professors, to actors, to writers and designers. Not surprisingly, architects are right at home among these professionals.
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Refugee Republic, by Aimee Baars.
Through sketches, texts, photos and
the audience witnesses the coping mechanisms of people who have been displaced from their homes. It is much like in a real republic, where people build their own world.
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When actions speak too loudly, by Chun Kit "CK" Wong.
In that, it is not simply vocalisation or mimicking of
that conveys warnings or desires that one may have.
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Living in safe mode: In conversation with Theo Deutinger, by Marco Fusco and Matthew Cook.
No growth
very boring, as if we have nothing to do. We always need to work on something.
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